Timing Tips for the IELTS Writing Test

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Time management is important during all parts of the IELTS test, but it’s more crucial during the writing test. Why? Well, you have a one-hour time limit to complete two tasks. Therefore, it’s essential to use that time wisely, so you can both complete the test and get the best possible score.

It would be best to spend twice as much time on writing Task 2 as you do on Writing Task 1, as Task 2 is worth twice as much as Task 1. With both the Academic and the General Training test, you must write two writing tasks in a one-hour time frame. If you’re taking the academic test, Task 1 is a 150-word report, and Task 2 is a 250-word essay. At the same time, the general is a 150-word letter and a 250-word essay. The essay is worth twice as much, so spend more time on it. Give yourself 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2.

More specifically, you could divide your time like this:

IELTS Writing Task timing table

Here are four things to know:

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1. UNDERSTAND TASK ANALYZING Use your first few minutes to figure out what the task requires completely. Get familiar with the different question types and how to answer them. There are ten possible question types for academic writing Task 1, three for general training Task 1, and eight possibilities for both academic and general training writing Task 2.

2. UNDERSTAND PLANNING The reports, letters, and essays all have a general outline which can be learned well and executed during the test. You want to spend some time planning, as it will save you time in the long run. Knowing how to structure each task is key to doing this well.

3. UNDERSTAND REVISING It’s important to be aware of your weaknesses so that you can spot your common errors on test day while proofreading your tasks. Also, make sure you’re writing enough words and have met the length requirement. A quick trick is knowing the average number of words you write per line, then counting the lines rather than every single word.

4. UNDERSTAND THE TIME LIMIT It’s a good idea to practice writing practice tests with a one-hour time limit. This is really difficult at first, and there’s a good chance you won’t be able to do it. However, with time, you’ll be writing like a pro! Join my Book Club for weekly Task 2 writing prompts. Knowing how to manage your time is crucial for scoring high during the writing test, but follow these tips, and you can master it!

Needing some expert guidance? Reach out to our pro prof Kiera today.

Kiera is an expert IELTS instructor who has hosted student’s in her virtual classes from all over the world. Get in touch with her today to see how she can help you best the test!


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